Faith, Young Adults, and Urban Partnernships

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Reflecting on Friday, July 13 Part 2

Church you are member of?      
Elect Saints
Where are you from?
Trenton, New Jersey
Why did you join LiT?
To help people see Trenton’s potential
What do you hope to learn or experience?
I hope to learn how to contribute in a group working towards a better cause.

I was at Elect Saints Lutheran Church for VBS on Friday. I worked with my fellow co-workers Melissa, Kevin, Rachel, and Leela. It was very interesting, because we learned how to buff the tile floor. I felt excited that we were all able to partake in the charity act of cleaning. Another thing that made it interesting was Leela’s  funny stories about buffing the floors at her old school. The hardest part of the day was probably towards the end of our work when were almost ready to leave, but it was probably just the heat getting to me. I saw Jesus in Disguise as us, because we were doing something very selfless with all of our hearts. My previous ideas were challenge by how efficient we were when we worked as one. I say this being that most people don’t do well in groups, but I think we are the exception. I don’t have a Bible verse for Friday but I do remember the movie clips we watched after cleaning. My favorite of all of the clips was the clip when Jesus comes and tells his disciples about their past deeds; which was hilarious because of his sarcasm. Something that surprised me was how blessed I was to see the kids from the VBS like my co-workers. One thing I think we will remember from this summer’s vacation Bible school is one of our young people Jeremiah’s random outburst and cool dance moves.

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