Faith, Young Adults, and Urban Partnernships

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Reflecting on Monday, July 23

A brief note: Due to the new and untried nature of the LiT program, unexpected bumps are bound to happen. But even so, our LiT group proved that they could be flexible and proactive in an unexpected situation, especially with one leading pastor out of the country and another was with youth at the ELCA National Youth Gathering that weekend. Kudos to our LiT participants! 


Monday was an interesting day.  Originally, we were supposed to do some sort of community service work for Elect Saints.  Everyone straggled in Monday morning, and we sleepily discussed our weekends.  By 10, we realized that our plans weren't going to work.  You see, Pastor Anges, who is in charge of directing us at Elect Saints, had left the country and had forgotten to leave instructions for what we were supposed to do.  We decided as a group that we should do something (I was all for everyone coming to my house and making grilled cheese).  Really, we had two choices: one of our options was to visit the hospital, as someone we knew was there as a patient.  Our other choice was to visit the Synod and learn about what they do there.  Can you guess which choice we chose?  Unfortunately, there are no pictures.  I always seem to remember the day after that I could have taken pictures.  Tuesday's pictures should be fun!

Did you guess that we went to the Synod?  Going to the hospital with all 10 of us was decided to be too overwhelming.  So the idea to visit the Synod won out.  We visited, talked to some of the staff, and helped out a bit with collating data.  Of course, we also ate lunch.  We ate outside, and I took the opportunity to throw a frisbee around with some of my fellow Lutherans in Trenton.  I was surprised at who knew how to throw a frisbee and who didn't!  I did enjoy teaching, though.  Overall, it was a very relaxing and made-up-as-we-go-along day.  I'm glad it turned out so well, and that we took the opportunity to do something useful together, instead of choosing to just go home.

- Amanda 

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