A brief look at the three Lutheran churches in Trenton
that will be the primary focus of LIT. The 10 LIT participants will be learning about and serving the community in partnership primarily with theses three congregations. Activities and service will range from Vacation Bible School programming and leadership, visiting nearby social outreach programs in Trenton, and various beautification projects.
Elect Saints Lutheran Church
Rev. Agnes B Gbardoe
“We are committed to lifting and building people up to
their fullest capacity through acts of compassion. Our ultimate goal is
providing services and fellowships to humanity in the integrity of the Holy
Bible. Our vision is to form a church that
edifies the individual with compassion, building him/her up with the truth of
the Bible, networking with other churches and organizations, honestly declaring
salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, the United States and internationally.”
More at: http://electsaintschurch.org/
St. Bartholomew Lutheran Church
Rev. Aaron Richter
“At St. Bart we are blessed to have members who care
about fellow members and the surrounding community and strive to fulfill Jesus'
instructions in Matthew. We also have the words of our Mission
Statement to guide us
in these endeavors. We care by welcoming visitors, refugee assistance, crafts
for the needy, Bible study groups, youth ministry and other activities.”
More at: http://www.stbartlutheran.org/
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer
Raymond Kolison, Pastor
“Lutheran Church of the Redeemer has a long history in Trenton,
and celebrated its
150th Anniversary in 1999. Abiding Presence Lutheran Church in Ewing NJ, a daughter church, was established as an ‘outreach to the suburbs’ in 1961. Located
downtown on Broad Street near the Capitol Complex, Redeemer is
gathering Liberians in an increasing vibrant African national ministry.”
These three pastors, along with the support of other Lutheran pastors in the Mercer County cluster, will form a leadership team that will guide our LIT participants in their seven week journey of discovery - just what God is "up to" in and around Trenton?
Once the program begins on July 1, each participant will be blogging about his or her experiences during the course of LIT. So stay tuned!!